Street Twin VIN from 731919 up to and including VIN # 913928 / Keihin ECU.

Application Software v1.1.6 (Support KYMCO K-XCT300i and YAMAHA Axis Z 125, R15, M-SLAZ) Fuel up to E25. All eco-responsible systems are disabled properly. It totally meets the Stage 1 tuning standard.

BitBox - is emerging software package that allows identification, reading and writing internal flash memory of control units for various purposes.An engine control unit (ECU), also commonly called an engine control module (ECM), is a type of electronic control unit that controls a series of actuators on an internal combustion engine to ensure optimal engine performance.Professional ECU remap was developed using licensed software. When you payment DONE, please send request file to E-mail: WXY2389.BitBox - ECU reflash software. PC Link allows real-time configuration of all ECU functions, automated tuning, data log analysis & ECU updates.TMPro2 Software module 96 – Honda bikes ECU Keihin, OKI. ECU Honda Civic 1.0 Turbo 2017 P10A1 Turbo-Petrol 1 125.1HP / 92.0KW Keihin MED17.9.3 37805-5AY-H660 17027 ecu tuning file.Link ECU's PC Link engine management software downloads.